evidently I made an error somewhere in my structure app, the result is that I cannot open DITA topics by double clicking them in the DITA map anymore (Framemaker does simpy nothing). I can, however, open them by dragging the xml files onto the Framemaker window. If I use the standard DITA 1.2 application everything works fine so I guess the problem is in my mapping.
Here is what I tried to achieve:
- We need certain variations of the normal 'topic' type topic. The DTD should be identical, however different structures should be auto-inserted when creating a topic and the topic should have certain attribute values predefined.
- The idea is that the author can select one of these topic types when creating a topic, but when opening an existing topic simply edit it with the standard topic temple.
Here is what I did:
- I duplicated the topic.template.fm, renaming it say "topic_a.template.fm", "topic_b.template.fm" etc. (just an example).
- I made adjustments to the EDD of these templates, changing the auto-insertions and the default values of some attributes.
- In the structapps.fm file I added XML applications for these new topic types, mapping each application to one of the new templates, but to the original topic DTD and r/w rules. E.g. the application "DITA_1.2_topic_a" is mapped to the "topic_a.template.fm" template, and to the original "topic.dtd" and "topic.rules.txt" files.
- In Framemaker I then created corresponding application mappings in the DITA options. E.g. the topic type "A" (which defines the visible text in the "New topic" menu) is maped to the XML application "DITA_1.2_topic_a".
The result:
- It works as intended in every way when creating topics. The topics are saved with the standard doctype 'topic'. However for when I try to open topics from the DTD by double-clicking then nothing happens. Opening topics by drag & drop works fine though and they are opened with the normal (general) "topic.template.fm" template as desired.
Any ideas? Was this confusing or am I completely off somewhere?