Using the following across all documents in a book
pgfId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId, FO_PgfFmt, "100_TOC_Header01");
F_ApiSetInt(docId, pgfId, FP_AcrobatLevel, 1);
pgfId = F_ApiGetNamedObject(docId, FO_PgfFmt, "010_01_00_Heading01");
F_ApiSetInt(docId, pgfId, FP_AcrobatLevel, 2);
F_ApiSetInt( bookId, docId, FP_DocAcrobatElements, False);
F_ApiSetInt( bookId, docId, FP_PDFBookmark, True);
F_ApiSetInt( bookId, docId, FP_PDFBookmarksOpenLevel, FV_PDFBookmarksOpenAllLevels);
F_ApiSetInt( bookId, docId, FP_PDFRegistrationMarks, FV_PDFRegistrationMarksNone);
F_ApiSimpleSave(docId, F_ApiGetString(FV_SessionId, docId, FP_Name), False);
to set bookmarks for PDF when doing a save as PDF on the book.
This works for all FO_PgfFmt's defined in the document except when the FO_PgfFmt is defined in a master page.
Is there some setting that is needed to get bookmarks from master page FO_PgfFmt's?
Or is there some setting that needs to be done on the master page to get the bookmark set?
Any advice or directions would be helpful.
Using FrameMaker 7.1 on Windows 7.