I'm writing a software guide where I need to include code that the reader can copy and paste in their Linux command terminal. I obtained this code from the engineer who wrote the software. He copy and pasted the sections of code for me into a .txt file. I pasted the unformatted text into FM11 and then applied my code example paragraph tag. Please note that the code sections have lots of dashes "-", blank spaces " ", as well as periods "." and slashes"/".
When I convert the FM11 guide to PDF, then copy and paste from the PDF to a Linux terminal window as our readers will need to do, a paragraph return line break is added to each line.
I've tried all of these, without success. I don't know if I need a combination of what I've tried below, or to change a setting when I convert to the PDF, or what else to try.
1. In FM, Paragraph Designer, unchecked hyphenate.
2. In FM, Used Control+space to place a nonbreaking space symbol between all the words in the sections.
3. In FM Format>Document>Text Options, I deleted everything in the" Allow Line Breaks After" field.
4. In FM, I selected a section and tried ESC+n+s to suppress hyphenation.
5. In FM, I use Find for "\r" and found no forced returns. (I work with View>Text Symbols on anyway.)
6. In Acrobat Pro X, I used Tools>Create Accessible PDFs and checkmarked "Metadata". This DID allow me to copy and paste a code section into a .txt without the line breaks, but line breaks are still present for the engineer when he views it in a .txt file on his PC.
Any advice is appreciated. If someone is willing to look at my .fm file, I can upload it and send a link to it.