While aware that some error messages in no wise indicate a genuine problem … I always prefer to keep my source files clean and my error logs empty. So, I'm a bit peeved that the latest irritation appears to be a present from FrameMaker; even more so that it is intermittent and (for me) unpredictable – but since I've started posting I may as well finish:
The "font not found" message when I try to create a .pdf refers to Stag-Book. The PC has, indeed, no font called Stag-Book – the hyphen only appears in the FPostScriptName attribute buried deep in the .mif file.
<FTag `'>
<FPlatformName `W.Stag Book.R.400'>
<FFamily `Stag Book'>
<FVar `Regular'>
<FWeight `Regular'>
<FAngle `Regular'>
<FPostScriptName `Stag-Book'>
<FEncoding `FrameRoman'>
What's to do?