Hi all,
I tried to change the color in CellOverrideShading but I didn't get it.
My attempts were the following:
First I tried to get the index of the color property via GetPropIndex:
var testProp = cell.CellOverrideShading.GetProps();
var testPropIndex = GetPropIndex(testProp, Constants.FP_Color);
But the result is "-4", so it seems that CellOverrideShading has no FP_Color property.
Second: I tried to change the color via the PropVal object:
testProp[1].propVal.sval = 'Olive';
When I print the properties to the Console the color name seems to be updated to 'Olive'
for (var i=0; i <testProp.length; i++)
propText = propText + ' \n' + i + ': ' + testProp[i].propIdent.name + ' - ' + testProp[i].propIdent.num + ' - ' + testProp[i].propVal.sval;
1: - 20 - Olive
Then I assin the properties to the cell.
But the color in the Frame document remains unchanged. When I print the color name to the Console [Console('FARBE: ' + cell.CellOverrideShading.Name);]
I still receive FARBE: Königsblau
What's my mistake? Any ideas?
Yours Wolfgang