I inherited several functional specification documents. There really were no templates - just some styles which I've modified.
There are five files in each "book."/document 1) Front 2) TOC 3) List of Tables (LOT) 4) List of Figures (LOF) 5) Text
I need to update the TOC, LOT and LOF. I'm starting with the LOF which has grown from 10 to 26. I'm just using a basic Figure #: Title ... Page Number format in Arial 12 point which I essentially modified manually. There is a paragraph style for the title and for the line. That's it.
When I "update" the LOF, I of course, only get the unformatted title and page number output. So, instead of reformatting the whole thing manually, I need to know if there is a way to update the original LOF or if I have to create a template of some kind, which forgive me, but I have no idea how to do that and then apply it to the automated output.
Thank you.