Trying to generate cross-book HTML links using Frame12.
Book1 location: C:\test\Book1\, and all *.fm files are in the same folder.
Book2 location: C:\test\Book2\, and all *.fm files are in the same folder.
Book1 - has a containing a Header1, where I have created:
- Hypertext Marker newlink book1chapter-test-header (as a target for
- Hypertext Marker gotolink ../Book2/ (to link to
- Inserted a cross reference to the Header1 in Book2. (also testing to see if a regular cross-book link will work)
Book2 - has a containing a Header1, where I have created:
- Hypertext Marker newlink book2chapter-test-header (as a target for
- Hypertext Marker gotolink ../Book1/ (to link to
- Inserted a cross reference to the Header1 in Book1. (also testing to see if a regular cross-book link will work)
Then, I keep both books open, and generate PDFs for both books. I keep the PDF in the same
folder as their respective *.book and *.fm files. The cross-book link appears active in the PDF,
as in, the icon changes from an arrow to a hand, but clicking on the link does nothing.
I also published to Responsive HTML5, but the cross references appear as blue underlined but
are not live links - they are just blue, underlined text.
Does anyone have any advice on what I can do to get this working? Is WebWorks with Frame12 a
better option for accomplishing this, or is this something that can be done with Frame12 alone?
Thanks for any help!