FM 11.02.384 / DITA 1.2
How do I get FM to use a ditaval to filter at the map level?
I have two major product families to address in my manuals. They are very similar in some ways, and so I would like to use one map for certain chapters where I reuse a lot of content. I built the map and specified "product" attributes at the map level for the ditaval to filter out, but this is ignored on output. So I tried the attributes at the top level in the topic file--the <concept>, <task>, and so on--and it still doesn't work.
I kind of get that the message is "If you really don't want something in your map, use a different map," but I feel like it's got to be possible to filter at the map level.
Am I wrong, or am I missing something?
Edit to add: What I'm really asking is to be able to do this at the book map level. The map-level filtering seems to work with a chapter map alone, but once I put it into a book map, the filtering is ignored.