Hello everyone,
We are using FrameMaker 12 on a Windows 7 (64 bit) platform.
I have found discussions on the Web about this, but so far nothing works for us. As you know, other word processing tools have a hollow bullet as a standard feature. After spending a couple of hours over the past few months researching forums, it appears there is no way to get a true hollow bullet in FrameMaker. Is that correct?
This is what does *not* work for us:
A Courier or Courier New lower case letter "o" (oh). If we could raise it up off the line, it would work. There appears to be no way to lift a character a few pixels off the line.
The symbol you get by pressing Alt+9: ○. When this symbol appears in FrameMaker, it is also needs to be raised up off the line so it doesn't look like the letter "o."
The circular symbol you get when you type a lower case "m" and change the font to Windings 1, because it has shading on the lower right, and also would need to be raised up off the line.
We know how to make any Winding or Webding a bullet. What we want is the standard hollow bullet. Can anyone explain how to do that?
Thank you.