FrameMaker unstructured running on Win 64 as part of techsuite 5 is causing me a lot of problems. I am runnig on a brand new machine with 32 gb of ram but it still seems FrameMaker runs very slowly when creating pdf's. Lately it has started behaving weird too. When printing to pdf it does produce a pdf, but the print window showing progress does not shut down making it seem that the printing process is still ongoing. Some files which it printed like a breeze a month ago, now takes for bloody ever.
It seems to me that some sort of change has happend to the elements which goes into printing. Maybe there has been an ufortunate update to Distiller. Maybe MS has made an ufortunate update to windows print engine. I don't know, but something has changed I can't figure out why, but it certainly seems to affect printing to pdf in FrameMaker 12.
Does anybody share my experience?