I'm a newbie trying to unlearn my InDesign mindset to work in FrameMaker. What is best practice for producing figure numbers to accompany diagrams throughout a document? A quick CTRL+F in the Framemaker 12 Help book doesn't seem to point me in a particular direction. Do diagrams need to be inserted into a table, where there is a cell for the image and a cell for the figure details in another? I've read that I should use a letter and colon in the tag to keep it separate from other things that update, e.g. F: (then figure number descriptor). Is there anything else to be aware of, such as when resetting counts for chapters etc?
Some details:
There are currently 116 chapters (aviation subjects) to make.
Each of these chapters will be its own book in pdf form, some of these chapters run to over 1000 pages.
Figure number ideally takes the form: "Figure (a number from one of the 1-116 chapters used) - figure number" e.g. "Figure 34 - 6." would be the the 6th image in the book 'chapter 34'.
The figure number has to cross reference to explaining text, possibly a few pages away.
These figures are required to update as content is added or removed.
The (aviation) chapter is an individual book.
H1 is the equivalent of the sub-chapter.
H2 is the equivalent of the sub-sub-chapter.
H3 is used in the body copy styling, but is not a required detail of the figure number.
I'm thinking of making sub-chapters in to individual files. These will be more manageable on their own. They will then be combined in the correct order to form the book for one of these (1 of 116) subject chapters.
Am I on the right track?
Many thanks.