Hello all,
I hope someone from Adobe is monitoring this list, as there is lots of stuff that requires either more work on the ExtendScript coding or on the documentation.
I have almost finalized my conversion from unstructured FrameMaker documents with lots of conditional texts to structured FrameMaker, in which attributes take over the role of the conditions. I now want to delete the condition formats but keep the contents. This is possible via the menu: when I delete a condition format, I get a dialog that allows me to keep the content as unconditional text instead of throwing it out. Guess what ? The Delete() method for a CondFmt object does not take any arguments, and the default method is throwing out the content.
I can do a TextSelection on everything in the document and apply unconditional formatting to it, but that does not include the text in tables. And it is a hassle, as there should really be a way to tell the Delete() method for CondFmt what to do with the content. The options in the dialog should be available via ExtendScript somehow.
Thanks in advance for a quick reply. My deadline is approaching quickly !