Using FrameMaker 12 I created a document with two paragraphs of text.
Then I assigned DropDownCaption to first line of text.
Next assigned DropDownBody to the second paragraph (exactly as described in Help).
When I output this using Publish -> Web help it works as it should; that is, you click first line and the hidden paragraph that follows appears.
Now, in my source I add a table and assign exactly as above DropDownCaption and DropDownBody to same two paragraphs of text in one of the table cells.
When I update the Web help, the drop down text in table does not work. Instead both Caption and Body show; when the Caption is clicked the heading 'jumps' a little.
(Have also tried from Robohelp importing the framemaker document but same problem.)
I have not seen any postings anywhere with this problem, most likely because few people are using this function in a table.
Appreciate any help.