I think this is a very basic question, but I'm stuck. I have a structured application that is supposed to use a XSLT to preprocess its files. I've added a XMLApplication/XSLTPreferences/PreProcessing/Stylesheet; I've tried it both manually and with the designer. Now I try to open a XML file in a book and it doesn't seem to use the stylesheet at all. It does ask me for the application type, I select it, then it simply opens the file as it was without applying the XSLT.
Could somebody please explain to me how this is supposed to work?
Background: I have a structured app set up by someone else that has the right structure already and they've already put it into a book. I want to write a XSLT to get the same file but with preprocessing instructions for conditional tags, but cannot get it to run. I'm good at XSLT, but my FrameMaker level is a novice.