Hoping someone has an answer to this...
I'm on Frame 11 ( on Windows 7.
I'm running into a strange issue with headings that are autonumbered. Everything works as expected... until I include a proccedure that has autonumbered steps and sub-steps. The heading immediately following the procedure renumbers from the beginning. The image below shows an example. There are three headings, which are numbered correctly. Then I inserted a subheading with a procedure and the heading below it has incorrect numbering. This only happens in headings that follow a procedure.
The autonumbers for the paragraphs are:
Heading1: <$chapnum>.<n+>
Heading2: <$chapnum>.<n>.<n+>
Numbered: S:<n+>/\t
NumberedCont1 (sub-step): <a=1>.\t
Is there something incorrectly set up in the autonumber format or is this a bug?