Photoshop Images displaying a horizontal line
Framemaker 10 - Photoshop files (PSD) that I import (File -> Import -> File -> Copy into document) into my master pages are all displaying a horizontal line on the right side of the image. The...
View ArticleRegistration marks and page size
Hi, How do everybody deal with the different page size, when exporting a PDF for the web and one for the press? I only found that page size has to be entered by hand each time, with no way to rapidly...
View ArticleThe 'Monitor Size' setting could do with an update
This isn't the most important issue in the world, but I did notice that the 'Monitor Size' setting in Frame 11 (Edit > Preferences > Global > General > Monitor Size) hasn't changed for...
View ArticleCustom cell ruling in tables - can dotted lines be created/used
Our company has introduced new rules for the design of our documentation and one of these rules states that the row and column dividing lines within tables must now be .5pt dotted lines. FrameMaker...
View Articlebackground image on master page
marketing wants me to put a background image on all pages of our manual (a light swoosh on top and bottom of each page). i importing the image onto the master page. it comes in with an anchored frame....
View ArticleWhy is FM10 crashing when I change conditional text settings?
When I go from "show certain conditions" to "show all" in some, but not all, files in a book, FM 10 crashes.I've tried saving as MIF, then reopening, but it still happens eventually.Sometimes it...
View ArticleFAQ Suggestions and Corrections
This thread is available so you can recommend suggestions and corrections to the FAQ.Please add only FrameMaker FAQ related entries here.Please post software-related questions to the regular FrameMaker...
View ArticleExtracting embedded graphics from a Microsoft Word document for use in...
This might be of use to people trying to extract embedded graphics from Microsoft Word. I came in on a project in which some very graphic intensive (and huge!) Word documents were being converted to...
View ArticleCan't type certain capital letters
I have a very wierd problem:Frame 7 & 9 won't type a capital F or S. Frame 8 won't type capital F or C. Pressing Shift+C (or F or S) does absolutely nothing. I've defined a number of custom...
View ArticleFM 10 "Unusable Fonts"
Hello again everyone. I have a book with multiple documents and the ToC needs updating. However, when I tried to update the ToC, it says that one of my documents uses "unusable fonts". Here's the...
View ArticleFrameMaker in Creative Cloud?
When (if ever) might FrameMaker make it into part of Creative Cloud? It would be soooo nice to use it as part of that subscription. And add-on subscription maybe?
View ArticleHow can I create a nested list with letters, numbers, and bullets?
Can someone please help me with the issue I am having? I want to created a nested list with letters, numbers and bullets. I am new to FrameMaker, and I am editing a template I have to follow for work...
View ArticleEntering a Unicode Value as a Bullet in an Autonumber Format
If anybody knows how to enter a Unicode Value as a Bullet in an Autonumber Format, please tell me.
View ArticleUsing variables in Index entries
FrameMaker by itself does not support the use of variables in Index markers, except for a few special system ones ($startrange, $endrange, $nopage, $singlepage).In order to reference user-defined...
View ArticleCan a script execute another script?
Dear colleagues, I am not talking about calling a function from another file for which I used the #include directive. I want to execute a .jsx that I know only at runtime. Until now I have found this:...
View ArticleFont question (GOTHAM)
Dear Representative,In FM10. I was instructed to use a font called "gotham book" for my body text. I bought gotham-book.otf and gotham-book.ttf and put them in the FM folder FMINIT\Fonts. I have been...
View Articletext line tool issues with online publication
Hi I am using the text line tool in Framemaker to display callouts for graphics. The output displays okay in PDF. However, when I use the publication option for webhelp and HTML5, the text is truncated...
View ArticleSystem Variables
We are working on technical publications that require the use of MIL-STD-40051 for the US Army, some of the Frame files we have have master pages that are set up to use certain system variables such as...
View ArticleFramemaker 12 Upgrade Assistance
I'm upgrading from 7.2 to 12.0. Having lots of issues. My IT department does not support Framemaker, nor has any experience with the program. Can you direct me to resources where I can get technical...
View ArticleFramemaker 12 opens existing documents blank
Hi, Whenever I open an existing Framemaker 12 document, it comes up as a blank page. Going into Print Preview and then back again gets the page to show, as does File - Save As. Using Windows 7 x86...
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