Where can I found a definitive list of JavaScript operators accepted by...
As a JavaScript Newbie (but not a newbie programmer!) I am finding it difficult to find out which JavaScript operators are accepted by ther ExtendScript Editor. I have the latest copy of David...
View ArticleRepeated new location for files located in the old Filtrs directoryupgraded"...
Hello I just upgraded" from version 7 to 12 Unstructured. Whenever i open old *.fm file's I get this repeated message:It is also repeated for wfilt32w.ini, cmmap000.binebbmp2.ini and ebjpg2.iniThese...
View ArticleChapter level TOCs
I need to create chapter level TOCs that include multiple files per chapter. Can this be done using groups or folders?
View ArticleCan't type lowercase "u" or uppercase "C" in FrameMaker 10. Help??
I am using Unstructured Frame (as part of TCS 3) on Windows XP. I have been using this system on this computer for 9 months now and have never experienced this issue until today. I've been...
View ArticleHow do I create a "centerfold" or bookfold layout
I have a landscape document that when sent to the printer will be duplex printed, folded and stapled in the center making a small booklet.I am not sure how to proceed.... I need to make sure that the...
View ArticleFrameMaker in Creative Cloud?
When (if ever) might FrameMaker make it into part of Creative Cloud? It would be soooo nice to use it as part of that subscription. And add-on subscription maybe?
View ArticleTCS 5 Installation Problems-"Insufficient Disk Space"
I've been subscribing to TCS 5 since May. Recently, I upgraded to a newer MacBook Pro, and I've installed a copy of Windows 7 and I'm running it using VMWare Fusion 6. Today, I finally downloaded the...
View ArticleHow to best paginate a book
Hi, Here's what I have: A book comprising seven files. But, the files aren't so much chapters as chunks of content.What I want to do: If content in a file ends on an odd page, start the next file on...
View ArticleCross references not picking up character styles in source text
I'm getting some annoying odd behaviour with cross references in Frame 12. I have some tables, where the paragraph style in the cell is called "Cell Body" (nothing odd there). Quite a few of the cells...
View ArticleGreater than or equal symbol not working
Hi, I cannot get the "greater than or equal to" symbol to display properly. I can get the less than or equal symbol to display by typing Ctrl+q #, and then formatting it as Symbol font. According to...
View ArticleHow to make text unconditional
Hi. I am writing a program to delete condition tag.But if any text is tagged with the tag I'm deleting,I need to make the text unconditional.Can some one tell me how to do this? Best regarderieru
View ArticleFrameMaker 12 problem: FrameMaker deletes files during book update
Hello, I have a client asking the following question, and I'm wondering if anyone else has come across this issue with FrameMaker 12. FrameMaker 12 seems to be deleting files from their network drive...
View Articlemailto question
Can I populate a mail message using the "message mailto" command? I"m trying have not only the e-mail address populate, but have the message itself populate. TIAMary
View ArticleCan a table be made that has pre-populated heading rows?
I am using unstructured FM 11. I want to create unique Parts List tables. I want the heading rows to come pre-populated with Part Number, Source, Nomenclature (and others as needed). I create the table...
View ArticleAuto-generating chapter TOCs
I have been searching around on the Internet to find an automated solution to the following manual process: Generate and update an entire book.Manually generate each chapter TOC to get the page numbers...
View ArticleFrame Upgrade 8 to 12
After upgrading to Frame 12, will documents created in version 8 be compatible?
View ArticleSave PDF with Bookmarks
How to save a book as PDF with bookmarks? I am exporting an open book as PDF using the following script: var params = GetSaveDefaultParams()var returnParamsp =new PropVals()var i = GetPropIndex(params,...
View ArticleFrameMaker Compatible with Mac in Future?
Is anyone aware if future versions of FrameMaker will ever be compatible with a Mac? I used to work on a Windows computer, and I really enjoyed using FrameMaker to create Install/User Manuals. I work...
View ArticleFM10/Acrobat X 10-use named destinations for PDF linking
My company wants our documentation to be accessible from a web page. No problem there. But they want to provide users with links that open the PDF files to a specific section.My books are in FM10. I...
View ArticleCreating a Responsive HTML5 book
Hello , I have started trying to publish my documents to HTML5 via FM11's Publish pod. The output is quite good but when I try and create a book, or more than one file, I just get X FrameMaker book...
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