keyboard shortcut to apply paragraph tag
I'm experienced with FrameMaker 8, but just starting to get used to FrameMaker 9. A keyboard shortcut I use constantly in FrameMaker 8 is Ctrl-9, type the first letter of the paragraph tag and hit...
View ArticleSharePoint Online Cloud Service and Technical Communication Suite Integration
Are there any success stories of using Microsoft SharePoint Online Cloud service and the Technicall Communuications Suite? What were some of the compatability issues? How were they resolved? Are there...
View ArticleAdding custom combobox to my scene7 tab in contentfinder
I am trying to add custom combobox by extending the OOB scene7 contentfinder in CQ. But for some reason, I am not seeing my combo box (id and selected value) getting passed in the request header as...
View Articlecopied text from pdf is pasted without spaces
Hi, I create a a fm book using FM 10. I create a PDF for this fm book. When I copy the text from the PDF, the copied text is pasted without spaces. Can anyone help me solve this problem. RegardsParinita
View ArticleJPG image appears gray in PDF using RGB in PDF Setup Dialog
FrameMaker, Acrobat XI Pro 11.0.09. Using Save As PDF from FrameMaker to generate PDF from book file. In the PDF Setup Dialog, using CMYK option generates a PDF but colors are muted....
View ArticleVery slow printing to default Adobe PDF printer
I have a 150 page FrameMaker document (with lots of linked Illustrator CS4 files) that is taking 7 MINUTES to print to the default Adobe PDF printer. In contrast, an old QuickSilver / Interleaf...
View ArticleFramemaker 12 unstructured version crashes when trying to print
I have a couple of clients in different companies whom I try to help with FrameMaker related problems on a consultancy basis. They have upgraded to FrameMaker 12 and are now experiecing some problems...
View ArticleFramemaker 9 How to show serial number
Hello, I need to find out the serial number of my installed Framemaker 9 (9.0 WIN UPG). Where can I find it? (It is not shown under HELP - About Framemaker like in Version 7...)Many thanks in advance.
View ArticlePhotoshop Images displaying a horizontal line
Framemaker 10 - Photoshop files (PSD) that I import (File -> Import -> File -> Copy into document) into my master pages are all displaying a horizontal line on the right side of the image. The...
View ArticleHow do I move FrameMaker 12 license to a new PC
I have FrameMaker 12 (purchased, not subscribed) and will be swapping my PC tomorrow (newer model). In the past, I used Help->Deactivate prior to uninstalling Frame to avoid a call to support. But...
View ArticleCannot print a book or multiple files in FrameMaker 12
Hi, I have installed FrameMaker 12 as part of the Technical Communication Suite. I am experiencing the following problems with printing: Cannot print multiple files To print a file, the file must be...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 trial version
Does anyone know where I can download the trial version of FrameMaker 10? I don't want to deal with the sleazy web sites that might corrupt my computer. Thanks.
View ArticleChanging the color of an object
I have tried very unsuccessfully to change the color of an object:My simplest approach has been: // The current color of a pgf format is Black and I want to change it to Royal Blue var myobject =...
View ArticleCan FrameMaker Automatically create a List of Effective Pages and Track...
I see that FrameMaker will provide vertical lines automatically in updated content when set up to track changes. It also will create TOC's and Indexes. What I need is a way to also work with a List of...
View ArticleCan Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward...
Can Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward compatible? Thanks,
View ArticleInternal Error: 10014, 7686376, 7686666, 10069197
TCS3.5, updated today so FM = 7-64, 12 GB RAM, 1 terabyte space I get this error when trying to spell check. It is not localized to one file. It occurred in the previous version of my...
View ArticleFrameMaker scaling PNG/JPG
Hi, I'm trying to use PNG for screenshots with FrameMaker 10. FrameMaker seems to handle them as 72 ppi graphics and downscale thema after import to 75%. Can anyone reproduce this phenomenon? So if I...
View ArticleHow can I get the F8 and F9 function keys in FM 10.0 to work like they did in...
We just purchased the Adobe Technical Communications Suite 10.0 and have FrameMaker 10.0 installed. What's frustrating is that F8 and F9 work "sometimes" to provide a shortcut to text formatting and...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 Review
Our company uses FrameMaker 7.1 on a steroidal mixture of plugins, Autohotkey scripts, and a home-made toolbar. After trying a demo of FrameMaker 10, we decided not to purchase it. In fact, we were...
View ArticleFramemaker 10 crashes when changing conditional text display settings
Hi everyone We're getting Framemaker 10 crashes when changing conditional text display settings on some files (3 so far out of several hundred). It crashes, for example, when we toggle between build...
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