Read graphic Object properties 'scaling'
Hi all, I am trying to read 'scaling' graphic Object properties values using in below code. In case graphic having 60% that time also I am getting only 100%.So can I get some help? Thank you very...
View ArticleFind and replace smart quotes with straight quotes?
I understand I can turn off smart quotes so that I can type straight quotes, but I need to replace hundreds of curly smart quotes with straight quotes, is there a feature that will let me do this? I am...
View ArticleWhere are the job options saved?
Hi, everyone, We work in a writing group that is in several states and we're trying to document our current processes. We'd like to have access to each others job options files but we're not sure where...
View ArticleAnn: 1-hr webinars (free): Better PDFs / PDF Forms (with FM-Acro...
Wednesdays, starting 10am PT: * Better PDFs with FM-to-Acrobat TimeSavers, Nov 28 Description/registration: * Creating PDF Forms with...
View ArticleOne Flow on Right Pages Different Flow on Left
The issue is you want Flow A to be on right hand pages and Flow B to be on left hand pages, and you want autoconnect to work.To borrow from a post in December 2006 from Peter Gold:[quote]The goal is to...
View ArticleHow do I resolve the Activation Limit Has Been Reached on FrameMaker 10 message
I have 30 days to resolve this issue on my laptop, before I guess the software will stop working. I'm using FrameMaker 10 on my laptop, which had an upgraded hard drive. The previous hard drive has...
View ArticleHow to replace curved apostrophe with straight apostrophe?
How do I search/replace for curved apostrophe to straight apostrophe?How do I search/replace for curved open and close quotes to straight quotes? I have smart quotes turned off (which turns ON curved...
View ArticleCAD and FrameMaker
The question of getting CAD/CAM drawings into FrameMaker pops up regularly in the FrameMaker forum. If you have anything to add, please visit the "FAQ Corrections and Suggestions" topic and post your...
View ArticleHow to insert Captivate HTML5 output in FM12?
Hi I have published my Captivate 8 output as both SWF and HTML5. I see the option to insert the SWF output. But how do I insert the index.html file of HTML5 output FM12? Sreekanth
View ArticleMulti-channel publishing and reference pages
Hi all, I'm beginning to dig into FM12 multi-channel publishing. I have stripped down my unstructured template to a more minimalist model in order to flex better to multiple outputs. My current...
View ArticleHow can I convert all .fm files into .mif files at one go?
I need to translate a FM12 book that contains 32 chapters = 32 .fm files. Is there any possibility to save all 32 files as .mif files at one go? And: why does FM12 not remember the last directory I...
View ArticleFM9: How to 'redock' the book pod?
When I open a book in FM9 (Authoring layout, but others as well), the book appears on the left side of the screen, docked below the formatting toolbar. If I undock the book pod so that it's floating,...
View ArticleHas anyone had success using SharePoint and FrameMaker 10 together using CMS?
Has anyone had success using SharePoint and FrameMaker 10 together using CMS?
View ArticleWhere are the DITA 1.2 new topic structures defined?
When creating a new DITA 1.2 topic in FrameMaker (I'm using v.11), the new topic appears with some elements already added. In addition, some of them have banner text such as "Enter title here". I know...
View ArticleTOC link with a subscript character does not work in PDF
Hi, has anyone come across with this? A heading has a subscript character and when you generate a PDF, the TOC page has no link. Other TOC heading links work out just fine, but all these that have...
View Article/CheckCompliance out of range
I'm trying to generate a PDF for a book. I keep getting a failure; if I take the TOC file out, it builds. If I put it back in and make a .PS file, I get the "/CheckCompliance out of range" error....
View ArticleConverting newer Framemaker files to an older version?
Hi, I am currently stuck on Framemaker 7.2 but have old Frame files from V8 that I would like to open with Frame 7.2. A lot of these files have formatting, tags, and techniques that I would like to be...
View ArticleFrameMaker crashes when selecting print book file
I have recenctly update to TCS4. FrameMaker crashes when I select Print Book but will produce a PDF is I select Save As PDF. Anyone else experiencing this and have a resolution?
View ArticleFM10/Acrobat X 10-use named destinations for PDF linking
My company wants our documentation to be accessible from a web page. No problem there. But they want to provide users with links that open the PDF files to a specific section.My books are in FM10. I...
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