Photoshop Images displaying a horizontal line
Framemaker 10 - Photoshop files (PSD) that I import (File -> Import -> File -> Copy into document) into my master pages are all displaying a horizontal line on the right side of the image. The...
View ArticleAnimated GIF in PDF output
Hi all,is it possible to hand an animated GIF to the PDF output (remaining animated)? FM10 and AcrobatX work together rather fine concerning other animation formats such as SWF or AVI. I am not sure...
View ArticleFrameMaker Compatible with Mac in Future?
Is anyone aware if future versions of FrameMaker will ever be compatible with a Mac? I used to work on a Windows computer, and I really enjoyed using FrameMaker to create Install/User Manuals. I work...
View ArticleTo learn DITA / XML authoring, no trainer or certified training center in my...
Hi, I can use Framemaker at intermediate level but know nothing about DITA and XML authoring. If I want to learn DITA and XML authorin, where should be I getting started? Any good suggestions? Besides,...
View ArticleSeeking inputs on desired features in FrameMaker
Hello Framers, Hope you are well. In case you don't know me, I am the product manager for FrameMaker and am reaching out to seek your inputs into FrameMaker product. We do monitor the user forums to...
View ArticleHow do I import and view a .tif file?
I imported a .tif file by reference as I've done hundreds of times before with .jpg. It looks like it imports, but all I see on my page is a white square. However, I can resize the image by scaling it...
View ArticleConditional Watermarks Hidden Behind Graphics
I am using Frame 11. I have conditional watermarks on master pages. They work well on body pages with text or tables. On the body pages that have imported Illustrator graphics, the watermarks do not...
View Articletwo books from the same content
Hi- I have a user's manual with a small amount of conditionalized content; I need two pdf manuals in the end. Each manual needs it's own TOC and cover (title page), as well as it's own content. How do...
View Article"save as .pdf" suddenly not working
… that is, everything was fine yesterday and then this morning it isn't: selecting File > Save as .pdf gets me a second or so of "busy" cursor and then nothing. No Distiller opening up in the tray,...
View ArticleHow to type exponents?
New to FrameMaker, slowly making progress. I need to write an exponent, like 16 to the 5th power. Anyone know how to do this? I have searched and can not find an answer. Thanks!
View ArticleFrame 10 Distiller error
Hello, I'm new to FrameMaker, and the only person in my department with Frame 10 (everyone else has Frame 9). After creating a .ps file and attempting to create a .pdf, I received the following error...
View ArticleOmega in Special Symbols
Has anyone worked out a way of having Omega (Ohm symbol) in the Special Symbol drop down list? I have followed previous posts where you have it appear as the letter W and then change the font set to...
View ArticleCan't select some objects/text boxes
Hello, I'm very new to using FrameMaker. I'm editing an existing document, and some objects and text boxes seem to be locked. I can't select them even though I am double-clicking on them. What could...
View ArticleFrameMaker Error
Im currently using FrameMaker 7.0 and im currently experiencing a issue when saving a imported graphic. A error message is displayed stating "An internal error occurred while imported graphics in this...
View ArticleAuto-generating chapter TOCs
I have been searching around on the Internet to find an automated solution to the following manual process: Generate and update an entire book.Manually generate each chapter TOC to get the page numbers...
View Articleuninstall vs deactivate
I have to move my Frame 9 installation to a new drive. I have uninstalled Frame 9 from the existing drive, but a colleague says I needed to deactivate it. Did the uninstall perform a deactivation...
View ArticleIs there a FM imbedded link used for phone numbers that in a pdf file...
When I use the URL hypertext function and type in mailto:<email address> and save it as a pdf. When bringing the pdf up in a smart phone and tapping on the link, it will bring up email to that...
View Articlemass update master pages
version 7 - I have MANY pages that are booked. I just want to find a way to easily update the master pages all at once.
View ArticleHow number words to keep them together on the same line!
How can I keep words together? As Example:I have words "EN-ISO 2020" now is my text not together.EN-ISO on the end iff the line and 2020 on a new line.It should be alway's together on the next...
View ArticleFind and replace a table style
I have about 10 table styles in a document and I want to replace all of them with the #1 table style. Can this be done with Find and Replace?
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