Helvetica Unicode font
I am looking for a Helvetica Unicode font, to be used in FrameMaker 8, Windows.It has to be able to support all characters in the following alphabets:Hungarian, Slovak, Estonian and Romanian.Does...
View Articleinconsistent color definitions
Hi, all,I have a problem concerning inconsistent color definitions when I print a book file on the Linux system.The error message says:Color definition: Color8 is inconsistentThis may relate to the...
View Articlebackground image on master page
marketing wants me to put a background image on all pages of our manual (a light swoosh on top and bottom of each page). i importing the image onto the master page. it comes in with an anchored frame....
View ArticleFrameMaker Compatible with Mac in Future?
Is anyone aware if future versions of FrameMaker will ever be compatible with a Mac? I used to work on a Windows computer, and I really enjoyed using FrameMaker to create Install/User Manuals. I work...
View ArticleFont question (GOTHAM)
Dear Representative,In FM10. I was instructed to use a font called "gotham book" for my body text. I bought gotham-book.otf and gotham-book.ttf and put them in the FM folder FMINIT\Fonts. I have been...
View ArticleFlare or Robohelp
I have been using structured and non structured Framemaker since version 5.5 (now using v11), and I purchased Madcap Flare for non print delivery systems. Other than my issues with the learning curve,...
View ArticleFramemaker 8 not starting up in Windows 7 (64-bit)
Framemaker 8 installed without any warnings on a new machine (Lenovo X301) running Windows 7 64-bit. But, unfortunately the software does not run. After clicking the executable, I see a 32-bit...
View ArticleSeeking inputs on desired features in FrameMaker
Hello Framers, Hope you are well. In case you don't know me, I am the product manager for FrameMaker and am reaching out to seek your inputs into FrameMaker product. We do monitor the user forums to...
View ArticleHow do I set the default PDF zoom level?
I am writing a batch PDF script. I want to set the default zoom level to 125%. I believe these are the book properties I need to use:PDFZoomTypePDFZoomFactor My understanding is that I need to set...
View ArticleFrameMaker 11 and Windows 8.1 - Compatible?
I am a relative newcomer and am not sure if this question belongs here. If not, please let me know. I am about to upgrade to Windows 8.1 (won't go into why) and of course I need to make sure...
View ArticleChanging Table Widths (FM 11 / DITA 1.2)
FM11 / DITA 1.2 I decided a while back that I would make all of my tables as wide as my pages for consistency in output. I have some tables that are a bit narrower, so I went into the XML files and...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 trial version
Does anyone know where I can download the trial version of FrameMaker 10? I don't want to deal with the sleazy web sites that might corrupt my computer. Thanks.
View ArticleSave as PDF generates SPLWOW64.EXE error
Just moved to new Windows 7 boxUsing Frame v 8.0p236 Have book, used Save as PDF option, click "Set".Get a popup box with big red "X" says: c:\windows\SPLWOW64.EXE Ideas? TIA,Theresa
View ArticleCannot install Contribute 6.5 on Windows 7 Machine.
Tried installing Contribute 6.5 as an indipendent application and was able to install it but the moment it launches, it hangs and need to be closed from the Task Manager. It freezes the screen.Tried...
View ArticleProblem mit FDK-Client
Ein FDK-Client, der unter Windows XP einwandfrei funktioniert, unter Windows 7 funktioniert nur bei Benutzern mit lokalen Adminrechten. Bei Benutzern mit Standardrechten bricht die Ausführung ab mit...
View ArticleFrameMaker10: Cause of difference between actual display and element setting
Hello, everyone In using FM10 in Windows7, I've experienced the problems below. 1) A black square(■) is displayed while an ASTARISK element is set in the structure view. ("*1" is displayed on another...
View ArticleHow to set up bleeds?
Hi, I have a bleed on one edge of my page. I can extend the image 1/8 inch off the page, but am uncertain whether doing so will produce the desired result for the print vendor because I cannot see it...
View ArticleVariable for the content of an attribute value? (EDD)
Hi all, I would like to use the exact string of an attribute value as a property value when defining a text format rule in the EDD.Is there a way to get the attribute value by using a variable? ---...
View ArticleSuggestions for FrameMaker 13
I missed the deadline for participating in the feature survey that Adobe sent me recently, so I put up a post on my blog about things I'd like to see in FrameMaker 13. Some of them are extensions of...
View ArticleHow do I show the next page number on the current page? - FM7
Hey gang, Yes, I'm back with another question. How do you show the current page number and next page number on the same master page? Our style guide requires that blank page numbers be noted on the...
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