Cannot Uninstall TCS5
I'm trying to uninstall TCS5 (which I have a monthly cloud license for), and I keep getting an error message saying that it will not do it. I'm using the Windows Programs and Features section of the...
View ArticleText to table?
Hi all Is it possible to produce a script that creates a table from the currently selected text? I can find plenty of discussion about going the other way (ie converting a table to text) but none about...
View ArticleTOC Autonumbering Issue - Not Picking Up Chapter Numbers
FM11Hey gang, I'm building a TOC across a range of FM docs and it's not picking up the chapter numbers. I want the TOC to look like this:1 Introduction.....1-11.1 Description...1-21.2.1...
View ArticleParagraph Catalog Not Indicative of Selected Text
I just loaded Framemaker 12 and noticed the the paragraph catalog no longer indicates the tag being used when I select text in teh documents. I cannot find an option to enable this. Any ideas?
View ArticleWhen opening XHTML page, getting error message "Attribute not...
Hi all, We are trying to use XHTML to author some of our documentation. The plan is to use FrameMaker to convert the docs to PDF format. The input file contains the following offending line: <pre...
View ArticleEasy way to determine which text insets appear in which documents?
I'm reviewing several dozen text insets, and it'd be handy to know which documents contain which text insets. This would allow me to see the text insets in context in the various documents, which might...
View ArticleRepeat Last Action?
I'm fairly new to FM9 and am wondering if this feature exists already (and I just don't know about it). Coming from MS Word, it has a great "repeat last action" function hooked up to the F4 key. As...
View ArticleHow do I embed an external video (youtube, vimeo) into a document?
I would like to add video to my Frame documents. However, rather than import local content, I would like to retrieve the video from a web site like vimeo. I don't want just to add a link, which opens...
View ArticleWhere is the main dictionary of FM stored?
This seems like a very basic issue but I could not find any infos about it. I assume the main dictionary is stored as a language-specific file at some location. I would like to remove unneeded terms; I...
View ArticleFont question (GOTHAM)
Dear Representative,In FM10. I was instructed to use a font called "gotham book" for my body text. I bought gotham-book.otf and gotham-book.ttf and put them in the FM folder FMINIT\Fonts. I have been...
View ArticleCalling an ExtendScript script from the command line
Hi! I can call an ExtendScript script from a command line just by using its path, but is there a way to pass parameters to the script? Thanks. -Rick
View ArticleSetting AFrame height to the height of a graphic inside aframe plus padding
Hello fellows,I am trying to set a permanent bottom padding between an anchored frame and a graphic object (embedded Visio) that is inside the anchored frame.However, instead of getting that padding...
View ArticleInternal Error 12004, 6813012, 6813306, 9743541
I cannot convert book to PDF - getting internal error. How do I fix this?
View ArticleFM- Online Help is sowmewhat screwed up
FM- Online Help is sowmewhat screwed up:The top of the text overlaps with the heading stuff.If you close the left TOC pane with the left pointing triangle in the middle of the hight, ther is...
View ArticleUnable to generate a PDF file for 1 of 3 books
I'm making three documents (books) in FrameMaker and then converting to PDF. The first two books generated to PDF with no "major" problems. There were a couple of glitches here and there but most were...
View ArticleI am looking for a CMS for FM structured 11, is there any recommendation?...
My requirement is quite basic and common. I am looing for a CMS to manage the books, fm files, dita files, pictures and glossaries and the publication, is there any recommendation? The cheaper the...
View ArticleI have a book with chapters that are numbered. I would like to have the...
I have a book with chapters that are numbered. I would like to have the chapter number and page number (separated by a hyphen) appear as the page number in both the TOC and the Index. I have already...
View Articlehur skapar jag en klickbar länk i Framemaker 10? (inom samma dokument, till...
hur skapar jag en klickbar länk i Framemaker 10? (inom samma dokument, till ett annat kapitel)
View ArticleFM12 crashes always when using "Publish" after import some data from RH...
Dear all!Obviously the reason for the crashes are the data from RH (master page, skin ...)My question: How can I go back to the default settings of FM12?And where can I find which kind of RH data is...
View ArticleOpen .fm file - unknown file type?
Hi - has anyone seen this happen? Try to open a .fm file, and Framemaker brings up the "Unknown File Type" dialog for conversion. This doesn't happen with all files, just some, and these are all files...
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