Save as pdf deleted bookmarks when combining pdf-files
Hello,when I save several books each to a pdf-file with save as pdf (or printing to .ps and converting afterwards), the bookmarks are deleted when I combine the pdf-files with Acrobat. Only one...
View ArticleIs there a JS Script that could batch fm2mif and mif2fm?
I am using FrameMaker 10 now and want to use a Script that could save current opened files as mif or fm files (version could be selected).Like all open mif files to fm10 version or all fm files saving...
View ArticleIn PDFs generated by FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraphs widens. What...
In PDFs I'm generating using FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraph tags widens. I cannot see any difference in the paragraph tag properties. Sometimes this causes the text to extend into the...
View ArticleManipulating the clipboard
I wanted to set up a command and shortcut to surround clipboard contents by [[ and ]] before pasting.The purpose is to insert temporary citations which are put into the clipboard by an external...
View ArticleComplex Boolean Expressions in FrameMaker
I have a complex document set with multiple conditions to support brand and output, and now I want to add roles. Prior to the roles, I had it set up with the following...
View ArticleFillable fields in Framemaker 8
Can you create fillable fields within Framemaker files in Framemaker 8? Thanks!Meaghan
View ArticleInstalling TCS 4 on another machine
Hi , W7, TCS4 subscription. I am having problems with a computer at work, so I am moving to another terminal. Am I OK to install and use TCS4 here and will I be fine to go straight back to my old...
View ArticleProblems with TCS3, Adobe Application Manager, and Acrobat X
I have to deploy Technical Communications Suite 3 to a group of 20 people with a volume license key. In order to avoid giving 20 people in the company a volume key, I'm using the Adobe Application...
View ArticleHypertext links not working after pdf conversion
I have a document that contains many hyperlinks to external PDF files. Not sure if I created the link correctly to start with, but when I save the book file as a pdf none of the links to the external...
View ArticleFM 10.0.2 Patch released
A new patch is being pushed through the Updater right now. The new version is The SaveAsPDF CMYK option should be reasonably reliable now, but please run a preflight before submitting to a...
View ArticleNamed Destinations not Working in PDF
We have book files that contain several chapters and a glossary. We created numerous named destinations (specify named destination/jump to named destination) throughout the FM files. If we check the...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 not printing PDFs
When I try to print to PDF on FrameMaker, I get the "printing book" dialog box but nothing happens....the PDF is not created and no errors are reported. If I choose to print to poscript, open Acrobat...
View Article"draft" (and other watermark) in Acrobat
Prepare book in Framemaker, save as .pdf – looks fine, which is what you'd hope for! Add "draft" watermark at 50% transparency, and Acrobat helpfully adds a dark grey veil to every page to make sure...
View ArticleWhy am I getting this error message in my DITA Topic? "Element (concept) is...
Frame 11DITA 1.2 I was finally able to create a DITA topic (rather than a reference, concept, or task). However, when I try to insert a task, concept, or reference element after the prolog, I get the...
View ArticleHow do I correct inconsistent color setting among manual sections using 9.0?
When creating a book, I get an error message for one of the 14 files I am adding to the book. It reads: "Inconsistent Setting -- Print setting for color Black is inconsistent in Section 9 Program...
View ArticleProblem with unavailable fonts haunting me
Using Frame 11, I cannot create a PDF because of unavailable fonts. I dutifully change them to what the console says using the Character Designer. That works. But when I open the files back up later,...
View ArticleComplex Boolean Expressions in FrameMaker
I have a complex document set with multiple conditions to support brand and output, and now I want to add roles. Prior to the roles, I had it set up with the following...
View ArticleConvert FM equations into TeX strings
FM newbie here Is it possible to convert equations in a Framemaker document into TeX strings? In other words: parse a document for equations and blow them up into equivalent TeX string? Thanksphaedo
View ArticleFont question (GOTHAM)
Dear Representative,In FM10. I was instructed to use a font called "gotham book" for my body text. I bought gotham-book.otf and gotham-book.ttf and put them in the FM folder FMINIT\Fonts. I have been...
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