FrameMaker 12 and TechCommSuite 5 have been released
See the TechComm blog at: Additional info and individual productopedia PDF links are available here:...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 not printing PDFs
When I try to print to PDF on FrameMaker, I get the "printing book" dialog box but nothing happens....the PDF is not created and no errors are reported. If I choose to print to poscript, open Acrobat...
View ArticleFrameMaker crashes when selecting print book file
I have recenctly update to TCS4. FrameMaker crashes when I select Print Book but will produce a PDF is I select Save As PDF. Anyone else experiencing this and have a resolution?
View ArticleFM 11: I do not know how to delete empty pages
I inadvertently copied too much data from one FM document to another. I discovered that I did this only after making further changes in the second document, so I was unable to undo the copy/paste...
View Articleu3d sequence Adobe example
Hello , When Adobe first shipped FM11 there was an example on their help liturature of embedding a 3D model. This model could then be advanced through its representations/angles by clicking a button....
View ArticleFrameMaker 11 uninstalls Acrobat Pro
When I installed FrameMaker 11, it uninstalled my Acrobat Pro 8 without asking. Now I get the error message "Setup has detected that you already have a more functional product installed. Setup will now...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 Review
Our company uses FrameMaker 7.1 on a steroidal mixture of plugins, Autohotkey scripts, and a home-made toolbar. After trying a demo of FrameMaker 10, we decided not to purchase it. In fact, we were...
View ArticleWhy am I getting this error message in my DITA Topic? "Element (concept) is...
Frame 11DITA 1.2 I was finally able to create a DITA topic (rather than a reference, concept, or task). However, when I try to insert a task, concept, or reference element after the prolog, I get the...
View ArticleIn PDFs generated by FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraphs widens. What...
In PDFs I'm generating using FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraph tags widens. I cannot see any difference in the paragraph tag properties. Sometimes this causes the text to extend into the...
View ArticleFrameMaker 9 spell check problems
I cannot get FrameMaker 9 to "Learn" or "Allow in Document" the name of a product my company makes; iCOMM. Spelled that way, lowercase "i" followed by upper case "COMM." When I spell check the book,...
View ArticleImprove Table Shading Preview Onscreen
Is there a way to improve the onscreen preview for tables with fill or shading set to less than 100%? I have a corporate template for a long user manual. Their warning/caution tables have a 30% fill of...
View ArticleHeader & footer getting cut in the PDF published document
While publishing a unstructured framemaker document to pdf, the Header and footer is getting in the final published document. Please provide a solution.
View ArticleConverting All Figures in Anchored Frames With Callouts
I need to take a few hundred linked graphics in anchored frames that have FrameMaker callouts,save them as PNG files with the callouts embedded (yes, I know I won't be able to edit the callouts later)...
View ArticleAdding a character style to only one running header
Hello, I have a running header in my document that picks up the ChapterTitle. For one particular chapter title, there is a superscript applied to one of the numbers in the ChapterTitle. The superscript...
View ArticleCan I create a graph or pie chart in Framemaker?
I would like to create graphs and pie charts in Framemaker. Does anyone know if FM can do this - the same way you can use data tables in Excel to create charts and graphs.If FM doesn't have this...
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleError saving file as PDF FM Windows 7
"Can't launch Acrobat Distiller to create PDF file." I cannot find Distiller on my workstation. I do not see it in the Control Panel. I also cannot find Distiller on the distribution media. I suspect...
View ArticleFrameMaker 11 - End of flow bug
FrameMaker 11 (working in both structured and unstructured) is not automatically adding new pages when content is added. the end of flow mark is not visible (however, a solid line is indicating...
View ArticleCan Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward...
Can Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward compatible? Thanks,
View ArticleText insets causing seeming unresolvable unresolved cross-references
I'm using unstructured FrameMaker version 8.0p277. I've got several different text insets that include bullets. (The bullet is the last paragraph in the text inset.) Repeatedly, I get unresolved cross...
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