FrameMaker 11 uninstalls Acrobat Pro
When I installed FrameMaker 11, it uninstalled my Acrobat Pro 8 without asking. Now I get the error message "Setup has detected that you already have a more functional product installed. Setup will now...
View ArticleIn PDFs generated by FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraphs widens. What...
In PDFs I'm generating using FM 11, the word spacing for some paragraph tags widens. I cannot see any difference in the paragraph tag properties. Sometimes this causes the text to extend into the...
View ArticleWhy am I getting this error message in my DITA Topic? "Element (concept) is...
Frame 11DITA 1.2 I was finally able to create a DITA topic (rather than a reference, concept, or task). However, when I try to insert a task, concept, or reference element after the prolog, I get the...
View ArticleImprove Table Shading Preview Onscreen
Is there a way to improve the onscreen preview for tables with fill or shading set to less than 100%? I have a corporate template for a long user manual. Their warning/caution tables have a 30% fill of...
View Article"Save As PDF" vs. "Print" as PDF
Is there any real difference? With "Save as" you get a txt file with a report that seems to be meaningless. Are there any hidden advantages or disadvantages to either?Thank youIan
View ArticleHeader & footer getting cut in the PDF published document
While publishing a unstructured framemaker document to pdf, the Header and footer is getting in the final published document. Please provide a solution.
View ArticleConverting All Figures in Anchored Frames With Callouts
I need to take a few hundred linked graphics in anchored frames that have FrameMaker callouts,save them as PNG files with the callouts embedded (yes, I know I won't be able to edit the callouts later)...
View ArticleAdding a character style to only one running header
Hello, I have a running header in my document that picks up the ChapterTitle. For one particular chapter title, there is a superscript applied to one of the numbers in the ChapterTitle. The superscript...
View ArticleCan I create a graph or pie chart in Framemaker?
I would like to create graphs and pie charts in Framemaker. Does anyone know if FM can do this - the same way you can use data tables in Excel to create charts and graphs.If FM doesn't have this...
View ArticleWhy aren't my DITA elements nesting?
FrameMaker 10 and patched || Windows 7 64-bit Our company is migrating from unstructured to structured DITA XML. We had not encountered any "showstoppers" that would keep us from proceeding...until we...
View ArticleCan't start FM 9 on Windows 7: "cannot initialize dictionaries"
I am trying to move a copy of FM 9 from an old laptop to a new one running Windows 7 Enterprise. My IT guy reinstalled the software from CD and applied my license key. When I try to start FM, it gives...
View ArticleHypertext links not working after pdf conversion
I have a document that contains many hyperlinks to external PDF files. Not sure if I created the link correctly to start with, but when I save the book file as a pdf none of the links to the external...
View ArticleUnable to Open Frame Files From FM10
I am trying to open an existing project in Frame Maker 10. Some of the files are created in Frame 7 and the rest are created in Frame 10. Now, when I try to open a file in the book, it throws the...
View Articlecreate variable for RunningH/F page no.
can anyone help create variable for page number RunningH/F for every other page blank? I have created one but need a variable for the BLANK page number to be added automatically (like the current page...
View ArticleFrom FrameMaker Product Management
We do look at the forum posts from time to time. More so during product planning phases. The inputs received on the forums is a valuable source of information for us. We also try to have direct...
View Articleproblem with serial number
I just recently purchased and installed the Academic version of the Adobe Technical Communication Suite. However, when I went to enter my serial number after launching Frame 8 for the first time, I...
View ArticleFM10 Can't generate the TOC with leading dots
Hi everybody, I have read some useful threads here about this problem but I still can't seem to be able to resolve this leading dots issue for my TOC. I have already ensured that the reference page for...
View ArticleAdobe Cancellation of Monthly Subscription
Got this message yesterday (recalled this morning). Anyone know what's happening here? Dear Adobe Technical Communication Suite Month-to-Month Subscriber, We sincerely appreciate your...
View ArticleSave as PDF
Hi All,I'm working with Framemaker 8.0p277 on a Windows XP machine.Often I read answers that one should not use the Save as PDF option. Instead one should print to a Postscript file and distill that...
View ArticleHow to apply a semi-transparent background to a text box
Hi Framers,The cover of my doc has a full-page .png file on a master page. I want to add the title of the manual on the body page of the cover in a text box. No problem. However, I want to apply a...
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