An internal error occurred while writing imported graphics in this document....
An internal error occurred while writing imported graphics in this document. The file has been saved, but has lost some image data. Please report this error to Adobe Technical Support.How do i fix...
View ArticleFrameMaker 10 Review
Our company uses FrameMaker 7.1 on a steroidal mixture of plugins, Autohotkey scripts, and a home-made toolbar. After trying a demo of FrameMaker 10, we decided not to purchase it. In fact, we were...
View ArticleHow can I restore FrameMaker 10?
My computer crashed and has been repaired, but no software. I desperately need to get back with Framemaker 10 so I can re-open my business. I have the license number but no clue about where to go to...
View ArticleNo more memory and Framemaker stops
That is proabably not a great title... Anyway, Ever since I have gotten my 64 bit computer, FM has been awful. I have FM10, Windows 7, 16GB RAM. When I make a pdf, it, of course as usual takes forever....
View ArticleAlt text is intermittent.
In the Object Attributes of the Anchored Frame pod in Framemaker, the comments are intact. When the PDF is generated, some (but not all) of these comments appear. Help.
View ArticleGreater than or equal symbol not working
Hi, I cannot get the "greater than or equal to" symbol to display properly. I can get the less than or equal symbol to display by typing Ctrl+q #, and then formatting it as Symbol font. According to...
View ArticleFrameMaker 9 spell check problems
I cannot get FrameMaker 9 to "Learn" or "Allow in Document" the name of a product my company makes; iCOMM. Spelled that way, lowercase "i" followed by upper case "COMM." When I spell check the book,...
View Article[Perm] Latest TechDocs in support Database
These are the latest additions for FM related issues to the support database: NOTE: Many of these contain old links that no longer forward to the correct documents. The easiest way to find some of...
View ArticleRGB, CMYK, rotated pages, and PDF error
This is a weird one. I have a FM 9 file. It's a chapter within a book. It has both portrait and landscaped pages. If I "Save as PDF" from FM 9, and do not check "Convert CMYK colors to RGB," the...
View ArticleHow do you remove the backup files in FrameMaker 11
I need to remove the backup files in FrameMaker 11.
View ArticleFramemaker XML Output Issue
I have an issue with an attribute not being exported to XML from FM8. Here is the excerpt from the DTD: <!ELEMENT std.table.header (std.table.row+)><!ATTLIST std.table.header cols CDATA...
View ArticleFM 11 - Book Printing to .PS issue - Cause and solution
From Kapil Verma, FM's product manager: Subject: Response from Adobe - Print to .PS issue - Cause and solution Hello everyone, I am from Adobe and wanted to give you some information about the “Print...
View ArticleFrameMaker, robohelp or both?
I have a massive publishing program with tens of thousands of pages in unstructured FrameMaker 8 files. we need to be able to go to print publication, html5, and many E-formats. 1. would it be better...
View ArticleGO to URL address changed after FM file is saved as PDF
Hi, I am using FrameMaker 11 and am trying to insert a URL into a document that is then saved as a PDF file. My problem is that after I save the FM file as a PDF, additonal numbers are being inserted...
View ArticleGreater than or equal symbol not working
Hi, I cannot get the "greater than or equal to" symbol to display properly. I can get the less than or equal symbol to display by typing Ctrl+q #, and then formatting it as Symbol font. According to...
View ArticleFrameMaker 9 crashing on Windows 7
Hey Framers I have problems with my FrameMaker 9 installation. I set up a new Windows 7 (64 bit) machine with sufficient system resources - 8 GB of RAM, for example. A couple of days ago, I installed...
View ArticlePostscript data
There's an option on the Print menu which says "Generate Acrobat Data"If I select this and click print, I end up without a PDF file. I've been told to print to Postscript as a workaround for Windows 7...
View ArticleFont issue: Bullet and chapter title disapper
Hi, I am using FM10 and so my client. I got a few files from my client to upgrade. When I open the project "Font is not available" message is displayed. When I move ahead by ignoring message, font...
View ArticleFM10/Acrobat X 10-use named destinations for PDF linking
My company wants our documentation to be accessible from a web page. No problem there. But they want to provide users with links that open the PDF files to a specific section.My books are in FM10. I...
View ArticleProblem with save as PDF with FrameMaker 12
Hey, I just received FrameMaker 12 and I like it. But I'm having problems when I use the save as PDF function.It takes very long time to generate the PDF (at least 30 minutes for a book)The fonts and...
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