Are circled numbered steps possible?
Can you create numbered steps that have circles around the numbers, and if so, can you specify the font for the number in the circle?
View ArticleFAQ Suggestions and Corrections
This thread is available so you can recommend suggestions and corrections to the FAQ.Please add only FrameMaker FAQ related entries here.Please post software-related questions to the regular FrameMaker...
View ArticleWhy is there no simple way to delete unused reference pages from multiple FM...
I have hundreds of files in which some, but not all, of the reference pages are not being used. I don't want to open each file and manually click each page and then delete the pages one by one... what...
View ArticleInstalling TCS 3.5 over existing apps not installed via TCS
I have been using all of the apps in TCS apps but installed individually. Now I want to install the TCS 3.5 and it is failing to install FrameMaker and Robohelp, as well as a bunch of other stuff...
View ArticleCannot create a list of Imported Graphics in FM12
I have FM12 and cannot create a list of imported graphics (either by Add > Index of > References - Imported graphics --- or by Add > List of > References - Imported graphics), as I had been...
View ArticleHow to add a check box in a Frame file?
We want to add a check box before every instruction in our Installation Manual in the Frame file. The user should be able to click and check the box in the PDF file.
View ArticleAdding a space between items in a list
Is there a way in the Autonumber Format to add a return to create a blank line between items in a list? Right now, I can only do it by removing the Autonumber format for the new paragraph and then add...
View ArticleIs there an easy way to swap the order of body pages?
I have a document which is just two sides of A3 with a bunch of custom text frames all over them (the sort of thing that is probably easier to do in InDesign, to be honest, but...) I've realised that...
View ArticleProblems Creating PDFs
A lot of problems creating PDFs come from using the wrong printer to create the PDF or underlying printfile.You should use Adobe's Distiller printer instance to create a PDF. This comprises the latest...
View ArticleCross-Reference creation
Hello to all! I am new to this amazing world of Extendscript but I have been using Framemaker since version 5.5. I am working on a kind of cross-reference manager and it works really nice. I can list...
View ArticleHiding XML elements in the structure view – scripting influence to the...
HiIs there a way to hide specific XML elements (really the elements and not the attributes) in the structure view?I am asking this question to know if it is possible to influence the structure view by...
View ArticleHow do I create links from the middle of 1 PDF to another?
I have a collection of FrameMaker books that are delivered as PDfs, all installed locally in the same directory. I want to add hyperlinks/x-refs that enable users jump from, say, page 10 of...
View Articlehow to add tab before separator placeholder (1,2-3) for a stand-alone index...
I am using Framemaker 11Normally for a standard index for a book, I add a tab before the separator placeholder (1, 2-3) to achieve the following format of my index. The tab is added in the reference...
View ArticleWill my .book files implode if I move and rename .fm files?
I have directory A with and 25 .fm files in the book.I have directory B with and 25 .fm files in the book.The weird thing is that points to a few files in directory B,...
View ArticleJust how hard is it to learn FrameMaker?
If I am highly experienced with InDesign/Pagemaker, Flash, Illustrator and Photoshop, how hard would it be to come up to speed on FrameMaker? Any online training resources you would recommend to...
View ArticleHow do you modify content of a table, but retain the table's UserString?
I have a document containing structured table elements. The tables contain user string information [used by the FDK for tracking purposes], but when I apply a simple script to modify the table...
View ArticleChange Bars don't appear in CHM output? (Frame12)
Hmmm, one of Frame's more useful features in recent years (for assisting with document reviews) was the ability to automatically add change bars in the margin.However, these do not seem to make it...
View ArticleHelvetica Unicode font
I am looking for a Helvetica Unicode font, to be used in FrameMaker 8, Windows.It has to be able to support all characters in the following alphabets:Hungarian, Slovak, Estonian and Romanian.Does...
View ArticleHow do I enter fractions say 8 1/2 where the 1/2 becomes smaller asyou would...
How do I enter fractions say 8 1/2 where the 1/2 becomes smaller as you would do in Word.Currently I use size 12 for main number and size 10 for the fraction.Any suggestions? I am using Framemaker...
View ArticlePage Number color in TOC
When creating a TOC, both the text and the page number link to the paragraph in the body of the document. What I need to do is change the color of only the page number in the TOC. When I create a...
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