Syntax of a FrameMaker "lck" file
Does anyone know what the entries in the FrameMaker "lck" file represent ? I can guess at some of them, but if there is some kind of reference info somewhere, that would be useful. Thanks Jang
View ArticleAny 9004 errors?????
Is anyone getting a 9004 error doing anything in FM9? If so please tell me what you are doing to get the error and what patch you are at and what version of Acrobat you have. Also be very clear on what...
View ArticleMif2Go, DITA2Go, uDoc2Go: now open source
FrameMaker plug-in Mif2Go is available for download, at no charge: Join the new Mif2Go list: DITA2Go is available for download:
View ArticleSeeking inputs on desired features in FrameMaker
Hello Framers, Hope you are well. In case you don't know me, I am the product manager for FrameMaker and am reaching out to seek your inputs into FrameMaker product. We do monitor the user forums to...
View ArticleS1000D and FrameMaker 11
I am looking for documentation on getting started using S1000D in FrameMaker 11. When I select S1000D>New>Publication Module in FrameMaker 11 nothing appears. Do I need any additional software...
View ArticleAre circled numbered steps possible?
Can you create numbered steps that have circles around the numbers, and if so, can you specify the font for the number in the circle?
View ArticleStructured versus Unstructured FrameMaker
Hi everyone. I'm not sure if this is the right venue for this, so apologies if it's not, but I'm looking for information and opinion. I'm working in TCS2, Windows 7 64 bit. I have been for about two...
View ArticleWhere can I download Framemaker 11 from in order to reinstall it on my...
I just got a new computer and want to install the old license of Framemaker on this new PC. Where can I get the download for Framemaker 11 from?
View ArticleTable data flows off page
Hi I am a Newbie to Framemaker, I have some rows in tables that are larger than the page size and find that the text flows off the page. How do you 'break' the table text so the text automatically...
View ArticleHelvetica Unicode font
I am looking for a Helvetica Unicode font, to be used in FrameMaker 8, Windows.It has to be able to support all characters in the following alphabets:Hungarian, Slovak, Estonian and Romanian.Does...
View Article6335581
FM 8 kept crashing when trying to build/generate a book. Error codes that came up in the error message were: 8004, 6335581, 8468256, 0. Any ideas would be appreciated since I cannot do my job with...
View ArticleGreater than or equal symbol not working
Hi, I cannot get the "greater than or equal to" symbol to display properly. I can get the less than or equal symbol to display by typing Ctrl+q #, and then formatting it as Symbol font. According to...
View ArticleFrameMaker in Creative Cloud?
When (if ever) might FrameMaker make it into part of Creative Cloud? It would be soooo nice to use it as part of that subscription. And add-on subscription maybe?
View Article"Page intentionally left blank."
I am using FrameMaker 9.0 on Windows, and I'm trying to add the statement "Page intentionally left blank" on the last page of my chapters. I've found some information online about how to do it, but not...
View ArticleI need Framemaker 9!
I have a contract to edit and save documents in this version format but I only have 1 license. I need 3-5 licenses. Any ideas? I cannot find any legitimate websites that sell legacy versions.
View ArticleUndo support around extendscript command
This probably should be obvious, but how can "undo" be supported for a custom command(in Framemaker 10? I found app.beginUndoGroup() for another product but frame gives an unknown method call for...
View ArticleAny 9004 errors?????
Is anyone getting a 9004 error doing anything in FM9? If so please tell me what you are doing to get the error and what patch you are at and what version of Acrobat you have. Also be very clear on what...
View ArticleIn Robohelp 11, I am not able to link FrameMaker 12 book. The link to...
I have been looking for solutions, but no luck. Any help in getting this resolved would really help.
View ArticleEquations fonts - Global change
Hi, I have Frame Maker document which was created in version 8 with lot of equations. The document used Symbol font for all operators including +, -, = etc., I want to apply "Mathematical Pi 1" font...
View ArticleXSLT to convert XML into Tables
Hi, I'm trying to import my XML data into a table format. After adding an XSL file to my Structure Application as a Preprocessing Stylesheet, and importing my XML instance file with the Template file...
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