Not knowing much about notification, but believing that I wouldn't do anything that couldn't be undone, I experimented with using notification in an old script (which I'll call oldScript.jsx for reference) in order to (have my script) learn when a document or a book got closed. The code line that I inserted in oldScript.jsx was:
Notification(Constants.FA_Note_PostQuitDoc, Constants.FA_Note_PostQuitBook); // Register for notifications
I also added a stub for handling the notification callback. I didn't get far enough to write the callback code.
I added oldScript.jsx to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker10\startup folder and started FrameMaker. After deciding that I no longer wanted to register for any notifications, I removed the registration line above (and the callback handler stub) and renamed the script to newScript.jsx (and put it in the startup folder after deleting oldScript.jsx from the startup folder). Now I get the following message anytime a document or book gets closed:
Notification Error : Can not open file. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\AdobeFrameMaker10\startup\oldScript.jsx
Any idea how to unregister for notifications so that I no longer clog up my console with instances of the above error message. Note that oldScript.jsx is no longer in the startup folder. Some persistent entity associated with FrameMaker (or perhaps Windows?) has retained the notification registration that I'd like to kill. Any help short of reinstalling FrameMaker would be greatly appreciated.