Channel: Adobe Community : Popular Discussions - Adobe FrameMaker
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Why is FM10 crashing when I change conditional text settings?

When I go from "show certain conditions" to "show all" in some, but not all, files in a book, FM 10 crashes.I've tried saving as MIF, then reopening, but it still happens eventually.Sometimes it...

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How do I create links from the middle of 1 PDF to another?

I have a collection of FrameMaker books that are delivered as PDfs, all installed locally in the same directory.  I want to add hyperlinks/x-refs that enable users jump from, say, page 10 of...

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TCS 5 Installation Problems-"Insufficient Disk Space"

I've been subscribing to TCS 5 since May.  Recently, I upgraded to a newer MacBook Pro, and I've installed a copy of Windows 7 and I'm running it using VMWare Fusion 6.  Today, I finally downloaded the...

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Helvetica Unicode font

I am looking for a Helvetica Unicode font, to be used in FrameMaker 8, Windows.It has to be able to support all characters in the following alphabets:Hungarian, Slovak, Estonian and Romanian.Does...

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Disabling notification that was enabled in code from an old Extendscript script

Not knowing much about notification, but believing that I wouldn't do anything that couldn't be undone, I experimented with using notification in an old script (which I'll call oldScript.jsx for...

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Can I disable the attribute pop-up menu?

Can I disable this annoying attribute pop-up menu that appears whenever I press CTRL and the mouse cursor happens to be over an element tag?  This has disrupted my work more often than I care to count,...

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FM10 index maker text

Hi. In the FM10 manual, it says the text of the index entry in the Marker panel can be entered up to 255 characters (127 Japanese double-byte characters).But, When I entered 500 English characters or...

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Character formats turn on change bars

Hi all My colleague has noticed something very strange in Framemaker 12. He's created a new character tag, applied it, and hey presto, a change bar appears.We've checked the character designer, and...

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FrameMaker in Creative Cloud?

When (if ever) might FrameMaker make it into part of Creative Cloud? It would be soooo nice to use it as part of that subscription. And add-on subscription maybe?

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Unstructured Framemaker to DITA

  I need to move my documents from unstructured FrameMaker to DITA docs. Could anyone explain me or point me a link about the step by step instructions to migrate from unstructured to DITA Docs?   PS:...

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Can't Save As PDF

I am working with DITA files in Frame 8, and am unable to save a generated Frame file as a PDF. I keep getting these errors:"To execute "Save as PDF" command you must have Acrobat Distiller version...

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How number words to keep them together on the same line!

How can I keep words together? As Example:I have words "EN-ISO 2020" now is my text not together.EN-ISO on the end iff the line and 2020 on a new line.It should be alway's together on the next...

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Underline Superscript

Is there a way to underline superscript and normal text while keeping the underline all at the same level?

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mass update master pages

version 7 - I have MANY pages that are booked. I just want to find a way to easily update the master pages all at once.

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Adobe Framemaker 10 "License Expired" Solution

Hi All! Adobe has posted an update here, which includes an executable that fixes the license file,...

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How can I best manage Image Files in FrameMaker using TFS?

I am using FrameMaker 11 with Team Foundation Server 2010 and have a question about managing graphics.We have several people working on the same book file (all in different locations).Everything works...

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FM Compare Books Utility

Hello fellows, I have recently tested the "Compare Books" utility available in FM10. It works well except for the following: 1. Does not create a BookCMP file, so if you would like to create a book out...

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Fit Frame to content

I'm using Frame maker 10, and need text frame need to fit into content. What I'm doing is drag the frame manually. Is there any shortcut or script for this?@

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How can I convert all .fm files into .mif files at one go?

I need to translate a FM12 book that contains 32 chapters = 32 .fm files. Is there any possibility to save all 32 files as .mif files at one go? And: why does FM12 not remember the last directory I...

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/CheckCompliance out of range

I'm trying to generate a PDF for a book. I keep getting a failure; if I take the TOC file out, it builds. If I put it back in and make a .PS file, I get the "/CheckCompliance out of range" error....

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