Images are Blurry in FM 12 CHM and WebHelp Output.
Hello, I am using the Trial version of FM 12 and attempting to export to both WebHelp and CHM.We would like to use the original images, but the Publish process is resizing them. I read that setting...
View ArticleDifference between RoboHelp and FrameMaker
Hello All, Can someone provide technical and functional difference between RoboHelp and Framemaker tool. Client want to move out from RoboHelp and need to implement the Content Management System like...
View ArticlePrinting an A5 booklet using A4 paper
Hello, I will be designing an 8 page user guide in Framemaker 12. The booklet pages will be A5 size. I will be printing onto A4 paper. What is the best way to achieve this? Thanks,Frank
View ArticleWhy is FM10 crashing when I change conditional text settings?
When I go from "show certain conditions" to "show all" in some, but not all, files in a book, FM 10 crashes.I've tried saving as MIF, then reopening, but it still happens eventually.Sometimes it...
View ArticleHas anyone had success using SharePoint and FrameMaker 10 together using CMS?
Has anyone had success using SharePoint and FrameMaker 10 together using CMS?
View ArticleSuggestions for FrameMaker 13
I missed the deadline for participating in the feature survey that Adobe sent me recently, so I put up a post on my blog about things I'd like to see in FrameMaker 13. Some of them are extensions of...
View ArticleFrameMaker Compatible with Mac in Future?
Is anyone aware if future versions of FrameMaker will ever be compatible with a Mac? I used to work on a Windows computer, and I really enjoyed using FrameMaker to create Install/User Manuals. I work...
View ArticleHow to type exponents?
New to FrameMaker, slowly making progress. I need to write an exponent, like 16 to the 5th power. Anyone know how to do this? I have searched and can not find an answer. Thanks!
View ArticleFM12 dialogs inaccessible when switching between multi-screen configurations
I have more screens at work than at home. When working from home I can't see/access dialogs which were last displayed on the additional screen at work. Is there a shortcut key to move the dialog to the...
View ArticleMigrate FrameMaker Workspace
I am upgrading to a new laptop. How do I migrate my workspace files so that I don't have to rebuild my workspace from scratch on the new machiine?
View ArticleFrameMaker 12 & SDL Trados 2011
From FM 12, I am only being given the option to save as mif12 or mif7.Unfortunately, SDL Trados only supports MIF files from versions 8 to 11. So mif12 throws an error that the FM version used to...
View Articlecontinuing H/F from previous file
I've had to break up a chapter into four smaller files, because otherwise my FM10 installation chokes on the referenced graphics and dies on its feet while attempting to generate a .pdf. With a...
View ArticleHow to apply a semi-transparent background to a text box
Hi Framers,The cover of my doc has a full-page .png file on a master page. I want to add the title of the manual on the body page of the cover in a text box. No problem. However, I want to apply a...
View ArticleOne Flow on Right Pages Different Flow on Left
The issue is you want Flow A to be on right hand pages and Flow B to be on left hand pages, and you want autoconnect to work.To borrow from a post in December 2006 from Peter Gold:[quote]The goal is to...
View ArticleSpeed up pdf creation ?
I create a lot of pdf's from books. Mainly the book files consists of pages with pdf files referenced in. The pdf's are big even though they have been saved as optimised. I use the function "print to...
View ArticleHow do I change rendering of wintitle element?
Hello, I'm still quite new to DITA and unhappy about the way the wintitle element is rendered in FrameMaker 12. Unlike uicontrol, which comes out in bold, wintitle is completely undifferentiated from...
View ArticleFM 12.0.3 patch released
A new patch (12.0.3) has been released for FM12. It is available for direct download at: is not yet available through Help > Updates in...
View ArticleHow do I create links from the middle of 1 PDF to another?
I have a collection of FrameMaker books that are delivered as PDfs, all installed locally in the same directory. I want to add hyperlinks/x-refs that enable users jump from, say, page 10 of...
View ArticleDisabling notification that was enabled in code from an old Extendscript script
Not knowing much about notification, but believing that I wouldn't do anything that couldn't be undone, I experimented with using notification in an old script (which I'll call oldScript.jsx for...
View ArticleCannot uninstall Technical Suite 3
I recently installed Technical Suite 5 on my system. I was able to successfully uninstall Technical Suite 4, but when I went to uninstall Technical Suite 3, I got an error message. "Your uninstallation...
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