Save PDF with Bookmarks
How to save a book as PDF with bookmarks? I am exporting an open book as PDF using the following script: var params = GetSaveDefaultParams()var returnParamsp =new PropVals()var i = GetPropIndex(params,...
View Articlecopied text from pdf is pasted without spaces
Hi, I create a a fm book using FM 10. I create a PDF for this fm book. When I copy the text from the PDF, the copied text is pasted without spaces. Can anyone help me solve this problem. RegardsParinita
View ArticleAdobe Frame maker Trail Version with ECM Documentum connector
Hello All, I am new to Adobe Frame maker. Can someone help me out to get following in Trail version ? a. Authoring tool.b. ECM-Documentum connector.c. Publishing Engine. Can I get all above features in...
View ArticleRepeat Last Action?
I'm fairly new to FM9 and am wondering if this feature exists already (and I just don't know about it). Coming from MS Word, it has a great "repeat last action" function hooked up to the F4 key. As...
View ArticleMIL-STD 40051C - where to begin
Hi everyone...I am fairly new to structured framemaker and spent the last week reading every piece of information I could on the subject. I've been given the task here at work of taking some...
View ArticleFM 10 - Crash on Open
Hello, I'm rapidly approaching a Tuesday deadline. So right on que, I created a pdf of a large book for review and subsequently, FM froze. I restarted and now some files in the book appear to have...
View ArticleIndex sort order with underscore (_)
Hi. According to the documentation, the default sort order for indexes is <$symbols><$numbers><$alphabetics> with hyphens, nonbreaking hyphens, en dashes, and em dashes ignored by...
View ArticleFramemaker downgrade from 12 to 11
Our company requires us to use framemaker 11 > I purchased 4 lisenses for framemaker 12. I just installed frammaker 12 and I'm trying to figure out how to down grade to framemaker 11 bc my company...
View Articleinsert inset in anchored frame
I cannot find the info on how to insert an Inset into an existing AFrame using ExtendScript. Does anyone have experience with this? Thanks Jang
View ArticleSeeking inputs on desired features in FrameMaker
Hello Framers, Hope you are well. In case you don't know me, I am the product manager for FrameMaker and am reaching out to seek your inputs into FrameMaker product. We do monitor the user forums to...
View ArticleMy FrameMaker 8 Keeps Crashing in Windows 7
Hi, My FrameMaker 8 keeps crashing in Windows 7---altho I try and save frequently and have it set to auto-save, I still have lost so much work by it crashing randomly---help! How do I solve this? I...
View ArticleSave as PDF generates SPLWOW64.EXE error
Just moved to new Windows 7 boxUsing Frame v 8.0p236 Have book, used Save as PDF option, click "Set".Get a popup box with big red "X" says: c:\windows\SPLWOW64.EXE Ideas? TIA,Theresa
View ArticleCan Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward...
Can Framemaker 12 save files down in Framemaker 11 and 10 ? Is it backward compatible? Thanks,
View ArticleHow do I generate PDF and CHM files from the a command line in windows?
I am trying to set up a PC to build some documents during the night. I was looking for a way to get framemaker to generate PDF and CHM files via a command line in windows? How is this done with...
View Articlecross book link
Trying to generate cross-book HTML links using Frame12. Book1 location: C:\test\Book1\, and all *.fm files are in the same folder.Book2 location: C:\test\Book2\, and all *.fm files...
View ArticleUnable to find ditafm.ini from users directory
Hello All, I am installing FrameMaker 12 trail version and following below steps to integrate / install Documentum sample application. as per below....
View ArticleCross references in custom XML
Hello! We have a custom XML schema and a structured application that allows us to edit our XML documents in FM. The schema contains a definition for a cross reference element and a definition for a...
View ArticleFM 7.1
I've recently installed Framemaker 7.1 and finding it an excellent ddp program. Using the table custom ruling and shading is giving me issues. When I apply a custom ruling to a cell, row or column,...
View ArticleUsing different text for a cross reference
Hi all My user guide has several section title pages, which detail what users will find in the chapters in that particular section.I've been asked to create a link from each bullet in the section page...
View ArticleXPath in Structured FrameMaker?
Hello All, We have a proprietary XML format. We've built a custom structured application (EDD, template, read/write rules) in FM12. How does FrameMaker support XPath (or anything that works similarly...
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